Ditto the Monster looks at the world of family friendly online games from a Fabricated American perspective


Ditto’s final puzzle piece – Avalon!! This looks amazing!!

Taking a break from PAX posts to share the amazing news that’s sweeping through The Spiral!! Avalon is coming soon to the Test Realm, and it looks AMAZING! I can’t wait to see what stories and quests will be told in this rich new addition to the worlds of The Spiral!!!



Ditto’s New Puzzle Piece – The best one yet!! Monsters!!

And here it is, at long last – Ditto’s fourth exclusive puzzle piece for the Wizard 101 Puzzler!  I have to say – this is the most exciting piece I’ve seen yet – it’s monsters!!  It looks like some creepy zombie thing and some kind of hairy horned monster to me!  What does everyone else think?

Puzzle Piece 4


Prospective Puzzler Participants:

The Wizard101 Puzzler so far…

Ditto knows he is not supposed to post the other website’s puzzly pieces, but we’re so close, I figured people would like to see what we have so far…  Here’s what it looks like!

The final puzzle

Here is all the pieces we have so far - oooh, it looks so handsome!

And yes – Happy April Fools Day everyone!!!

Wizard 101 Puzzler – Ditto’s Next Piece!!

Here it is, my next puzzle piece – isn’t is green and pretty?  It may be my favorite piece yet!   Remember, there are many pieces spread throughout the various Wizard101 Blogs and Fansites – the list of potential participants is below!  Good luck – and remember, no posting of completed sections of the puzzle!

For my other two pieces and more information on the puzzle, see my first Puzzler Post!

Ditto Puzzle Piece 3

Prospective Puzzler Participants:

Wizard 101 Puzzler!!

Those fun folks at Wizard 101 have something BIG coming soon, and Ditto – along with lots of other fansites – are going to be giving hints as to what it is! Those hints will be in the form of special puzzle pieces that each of the participating fansites will be posting between now and April 11th (Or when all the puzzle pieces have been released) !

This will be very fun and exciting, and to figure out what Kingisle has planned you’ll have to go to all the different fansites and download their puzzle pieces and try to put them together! How? How should I know – I’m just a furry monster. However if I were to guess, I would say you could use a graphics program (Gimp is free to use), or do it the old fashioned way – print them and cut them out, just like Grandma used to do (but without the stale hard candies and cats…)

So here are the first two puzzle pieces, exclusive to DittoMonster.com – the rest of the pieces can be found at the other participating fansites, which I have listed below the puzzle pieces. Have Fun!!!

Ditto Puzzle Piece 1 Ditto Puzzle Piece 2

Prospective Puzzler Participants: