Ditto the Monster looks at the world of family friendly online games from a Fabricated American perspective


Carl Tells Halloween Jokes

Carl is back with a few fun Halloween jokes!  Happy Friday!


Q. What did the Mommy ghost say to the baby ghost?
A. Don’t spook until your spooken to.

Q. What happened to the guy who couldn’t pay his exorcist?
A. He got repossessed.

Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A. Frostbite.

Happy Friday with Carl!! #sillyjokes


Happy Friday – it’s Carl.  Ditto said that people likes my jokes, so I found a few new ones.  I”ll do more soon, too…

Q: I have two noses, three eyes and only one ear.  What am I?
A: Really ugly!

Q: What do you call a person who has carrots in their ears?
A: Anything you want, they can’t hear you.

And now, starting to get ready for Halloween –
Q: What type of dog do vampires like best?
A: Bloodhounds.

Carl the Camera-Bear is back!

Hi everybody, it’s Carl.  I’m back with a few new jokes… Hope you like them 🙂

The Jokes:

Q: If two’s company and three a crowd, what are four and five?
A: Nine!

Q: What is a bugs’ favorite sport?
A: Cricket!

Q: Why couldn’t the pirate play cards?
A: Because he was sitting on the deck!

Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

Stuff Fabricated Americans Say – starring Ditto and friends!

For anyone who hasn’t seen the latest meme trend, it’s the ‘Stuff people say’ video meme, with my favorite being the ‘Stuff Vegans Say’ videos… And yes, I know it’s not really ‘stuff’ people say, but I’m a family friendly monster so I don’t like using naughty language… The videos are still very funny and entertaining!

Anyway, my friends and I decided to make our own video – ‘Stuff Fabricated Americans Say’ – starring me, Carl the Camera-Bear, Greenly Monster, and Morty Macaw.  We hope you like it….

Ditto versus Evil Shark Thingys, plus a sort of blooper…

I’ve got another video I was preparing for today, I’ll post that later, but I realized that this one never got posted, and it sort of has a blooper in it, and it’s a good fight, so I wanted to post it.  Enjoy!!

It’s Carl! Happy Halloween Edition…

Carl is back with some fun Halloween jokes! Happy Friday!!

The Jokes:

Q. Why are vampires like false teeth?
A. They come out at night.

Q. What can’t you give the headless horseman?
A. A headache.

Q. What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?
A. Spelling

Carl tells more Wizard101 Jokes

It’s Friday again, and Carl has a few more Wizard 101 Jokes to tell…  Well, he really does try his best…  Hope you like them!

The Jokes:

Q: What do you get if you cross a cat and a storm kraken?
A: A pet that puts you out a night

Q: What do you call a Helephant at the North Pole?
A: Lost!

Happy Friday – Time for more Carl Jokes…

It’s that time again, time for my old buddy Carl the Camera-Bear to tell a few jokes…

The Jokes: 

Q: Where should a 1000 pound Gobbler go?   A:  On a diet!

Q: Why do Dragons sleep all day?   A: So they can fight nights!

Good luck with the House-A-Palooza contests!!


Happy Friday – Carl is Back!

Carl is back and today I help him with some knock knock jokes.  Sure, he really doesn’t fully understand the concept of knock-knock jokes, but he tries…


Happy Friday – Carl tells Cinderella jokes…

It’s been a busy week for me, not much posting, but Carl is here and he got a special request from a friend to tell some jokes about Cinderella – so here they are!  Enjoy, and Happy Friday!

It’s Friday – Carl tells jokes about the heat…

So to be more topical – or ‘tropical’ as Carl says it – I had Carl come up with some jokes about the current heat wave that’s covering much of the nation.  As usual – the results were mixed at best…


It’s Friday – Carl tells some Wizard101 Jokes!

Carl decided to come up with some Wizard 101 jokes – and he didn’t do too bad!  Well… for Carl, anyway…


The Jokes:

Q:  Why did the cyclops have to close his school?

A:  He only had one pupil!


Q:  What does a pirate skeleton order at the Wizard City Diner?

A:  Spare Ribs.

Happy Friday – Time for Carl!

Happy Friday everyone – this has been a busy week for Ditto, so I haven’t posted too much.  Don’t worry though, I’m working on something good!  In the meantime, Carl has a few more jokes for you…

Happy Friday everyone – Time for Carl!

Yes, it’s a beautiful and sunny July first, and it’s time for more jokes from my faithful camera-bear, Carl…

Have a great weekend everyone, and have a safe and happy 4th of July (Assuming you celebrate the 4th of July.  If you don’t, well – have a nice Monday 🙂  )

It’s Friday, that means Here’s Carl!!

Carl tries some science jokes this time… well, they’re kind of about science.  It is Carl, after all..

It’s Friday – Time for Carl!!

It’s time for Carl again, and he’s got some good ones today!  Carl loves all the positive feedback he gets for his weekly jokes, so thanks everyone, we’re glad you like it!

Carl’s Friday jokes!

So what do you get when you cross an elephant and a chicken?  I guess you’ll have to watch Carl the Camera-Bear to find out!

Happy Friday!!

It’s Friday – Here’s more Carl!!

Carl the Camera-Bear is back with more jokes… enjoy! Well, TRY to enjoy, I guess… they’re still pretty bad jokes.

Better late than never – it’s new Carl!!

Sorry we were late, technical difficulties yesterday, but we’re back up and running with two new jokes from my trusty Camera-Bear, Carl.  Enjoy!!

Happy Friday!! Carl tells a Wizard 101 joke!

Please note that I didn’t say a ‘good’ Wizard 101 Joke.  He also tries to get intellectual and fails pretty spectacularly.  Happy Friday!

It’s Friday – Here’s more Carl!

Carl the camera-bear has a couple more jokes to entertain and amuse….  Well, he’s trying really hard, in any case…

It’s Friday – here’s Carl!

Now that the poll is over I can officially announce that, by and overwhelming two-thirds majority, people want more Jokes from Carl my camera-bear, even AFTER people heard a few of his jokes.  Amazing.

So, since I promised Carl, I will post a joke (or two) from him every Friday, starting today with this winner…  who knew bears were into science jokes?

OK, here’s Carl…

So after a lot of begging and several bribes of pastry, I am going to post a video of Carl the camera-bear telling a joke.  Carl would love to make this a weekly event, but I’m not sure, so I’m going to let YOU my readers decide the fate of my camera-bear’s future in comedy.  If I get enough positive feedback, I’ll make Carl a weekly feature here – simple as that.

So here are two Carl jokes, just to get you started…  Remember to vote in the poll!