Ditto the Monster looks at the world of family friendly online games from a Fabricated American perspective


Being Silly in Wizard 101 – Ditto takes on the Mythbusters!

So I was hanging out this morning, eating a wheat bagel and watching episodes of my favorite show, Mythbusters, on Netflix, and I had a silly idea.  You see, I had to run multiple accounts of Wizard101 for my party on Friday, to run my port bus character at the same time I was hosting the party.  That gave me an idea to play multiple characters at once, and watching Jamie and Adam’s wacky antics this morning I realized I had never played a Myth character, so my crazy idea solidified…

Meet the Mythbreakers

With a little tweaking, I got my multiple accounts running and created two new characters – Adam and James Mythbreaker, my tribute to those bastions of practical science.  What am I going to do with them?  Much like The Mythbusters themselves, I have no idea what I’m going to do with these characters… but I know whatever I do, it’s going to be fun!  Stay tuned for the adventures of Adam and James as we adventure through the spiral and maybe, just maybe, bust some Wizard101 myths…  Anyone have any ideas or suggestions??